Purchasing, Contracts, and Risk Management
Name | Title | Phone | |
Mark Hua | Director, Purchasing, Contracts, and Risk Management | (650) 949-6166 | huamark@fhda.edu |
Phyllis Gong | Administrative Assistant II | (650) 949-6193 | gongphyllis@fhda.edu |
John Pham | Senior Buyer | (650) 949-6162 | phamjohn@fhda.edu |
Sandra Moore | Senior Buyer | (650) 949-6165 | mooresandra@fhda.edu |
Samer Qadoura | Senior Buyer, Bond Projects | (650) 949-6906 | qadourasamer@fhda.edu |
Angela Jacobs | Buyer | (650) 949-6293 | jacobsangela@fhda.edu |
General Information
Purchasing, Contracts and Risk Management
Foothill-De Anza Community College District
12345 El Monte Road, Building D700
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
(650) 949-6193
Email (Purchasing Services): purchasing@fhda.edu
Email (Risk Management): risk@fhda.edu
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of any future bid opportunities that match your company profile of products and services. Click here for more information.